Tag Archives: Bloggers

We All Have Opinions On Fashion


So I got to thinking about fashion, fashion blogging and what each of our perceptions were of fashion. It’s funny because we here who write about the fashion industry per say, feel that fashion is Dior, Chanel, Saint Laurent etc. But what got me to thinking about this is, as were walking into Starbucks this afternoon, I noticed this top this woman was wearing. (I notice the smallest things) It was dreadful pink and white polka dot polyester blouse which resembled a peasant blouse.


The minute I saw it, I thought, “does she think thats a fashionable blouse” Thats what made me think, not all women know nor care about whats considered fashion, but yet there are the ones that THINK what they’re wearing is fashionable. That comes to us bloggers/writers too. We all have our visions on what we think is fashion as well. No matter how much writing or posts we do on whats fashionable, there will always be the ones who think their opinion is the only one that matters.


But I guess thats why there’s fashion bloggers right? But I wonder whats the percentage of us that think that designers such as the ones I mentioned earlier are “True” fashion? What’s the percentage of women who just don’t care about fashion?

#Lucky #Luckycontributor #Luckymagazine

A Link On Five Up And Coming Blogs

Source: Wondermika
Source: Wondermika

I just had to share this link on 5 up and coming bloggers on which I wrote for Hit The Floor Magazine. I love the blogging community because we support each other and yes, there really are bloggers out there that write for the love of it. I enjoy reading all of the blogs I follow, but read more here on the 5 on which I thought were up and coming:

Five Up And Coming Blogs You Need To Know About




I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! I have been blogging for 9 months now and have gained so many new blogger friends and followers. To me being in a wonderful blogging community is a genuine gift and that is all thanks to you all, my followers. I’ve been so busy with Christmas and haven’t had much time to post regular blog posts but keep a watch Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year and seeing other blog posts on this season is amazing. As the year winds down and we all start to think of the future and what our new plans are for our blogs, I know I’ll see so many new blogs posts, bloggers and ideas. I look forward to it all! So with that being said, have a Happy Christmas and Happy New Year!

Is there an age limit for being a blogger?

I’ve been thinking a lot about age and fashion blogging. I’ve noticed out there that the majority of fashion bloggers now a days are in their early to mid twenties. I myself am a 44 year old fashion blogger who writes about the latest trends in the fashion industry and beauty products. I do it because I truly love the fashion industry and all that is has to offer. But lately I’ve been thinking ‘am I too old to do this’? But then, I realize that I have been in the fashion industry for quite sometime… I owned a boutique for goodness sake. Of course when thinking about the age of certain bloggers, I feel ‘old’. I keep asking myself are there more bloggers my age? Am I too old to do this? But then, I keep going back to my love of fashion and having to share my thoughts, likes and dislikes. Why is there or have to be an age gap? I don’t think there has to be. We are all here for the same common cause; to share everything there is about the world of fashion and the amazing designers that create such greatness. Is it me being insecure about my age? Or am I really missing the bigger picture?

WordPress Blogger Family Award

I am really happy to be a part of such a wonderful community here on WordPress. I have such a great following of other wonderful blogger who really support my posts and one of them is Heidie of Heidie Makes.com Heidie just nominated me into her wordpress family and not only does she follow me, but writes amazing posts about everything from clothing, designers and food. From the moment she started following me she has been nothing short of supportive. I truly appreciate her.

The rules:
1. Ping back to the person who gave you the Award (Me)
2. Display the Award
3. Nominate 10 people you look to as almost Family here on Word Press

As per the rules, here are the 10 Bloggers I nominate:

1. www.heidiemakes.com
2. www.attireclub.org
3. www.masonbentleystyle.com
4. www.stylesalvation.com
5. www.styleandlipstick.com
6. www.katerdickinson.com
7. www.ctocfriendspirations.com
8. www.kittnoir.com
9. www.jennscloset.com
10. www bravechica.com

Thanks to all!!



I’ve never heard of blogger tagging until a few days ago when one of my newest followers, Carmen, who owns the blog http://www.shugarlove.com, tagged me. How it works is, my tagger, Carmen presented me with eleven questions she’d like for me to answer, in turn ask eleven different questions to my favorite bloggers. This way, we learn things about one another. Below are the rules and the answers to my tagged questions.

Rule 1: Post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 people [ or how many you feel like ] and link them to your post
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them

Question 1
What makes you smile?
My husband, he is one of the most funniest people I know. We always joke that he should have been a comedian. But most important, he always knows the right things to say when I’m down.
Question 2
How has blogging changed your life?
Blogging has changed my life in so many ways, it’s kept me from going insane. It’s helped me reduce my stress and depression from a severe injury I obtained from a car accident 3 yrs ago. Without it I don’t know how I would be.

Question 3
Which celebrity would you love to meet? Why?
There is not “one” celebrity that I would love to meet, celebrities to me are just like you and me and they sometimes get more credit for what they deserve. Their status and their money does not make them.
Question 4
Who is one blogger you want all of us to discover?
Katjia Nyquist at http://insidelookatkcn.blogspot.com/, she truly has a love for fashion and love to tweet!
Question 5
What is your favorite article of clothing?
Oh… I don’t know!! But I’d have to say my Burberry Nova Check Long Sleeve Shirt. I can wear that over and over again.
Question 6
What is your favorite film of all time?
My favorite favorite film of all time is Gone With the Wind. Scarlett O’Hara may have made a ton of mistakes, but she sure was a determined lady.
Question 7
If you could live in any city in the world, which city would it be?
Paris, I’ve never been, but I would love to experience it to see how it would be to live there.
Question 8
What is your love story in 2-3 sentences?
My love story is the day I gave birth to my girls. Giving birth is an amazing feeling, knowing you created another life with the other love of your life.
Question 9
What would you like us to know about your blog?
I am trying to be different than other bloggers and I blog what is on my mind at the moment regarding fashion, beauty, etc. I have a taste for the expensive things because to me those items show the craftsmanship that is put into them.
Question 10
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
I am a morning person for sure, I can wake up at anytime of the morning and start my day without being grumpy.
Question 11
Do you have any book you would recommend?
I haven’t read any books in a long time, I wish I could recommend one!!
My questions are:

1. What made you start blogging?
2. What is your favorite beauty product and why?
3. Who is your favorite designer?
4. Who is your favorite store or online retailer to shop at?
5. Who is one of your favorite bloggers?
6. Do you watch reality TV and if so what do you think of it?
7. What is your favorite music genre?
8. What is your favorite season?
9. What is your go to article of clothing or accessory?
10. What is your favorite dessert?
11. Why should others read your blog and why?
Bloggers I’ve Tagged:

Kate R. Dickinson http://www.katerdickinson.com
Ana G http://www.lovefromcyprus.com
Donald Joseph http://www.shopcharmant.com
Ariatna Gonzalez http://www.bravechica.com
D-Anna http://www.stylesalvation.wordpress.com

Celebrity looks to love

Who can resist capturing some celebrity looks now and then? After all, they have all the latest and greatest choices in fashion right at the beckon call. I’ve captured some looks from Vogue.com that you’ll be sure to love.